[h1][b][center][color=darkorange]Jake Evanston[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][center][hider=Jake Evanston] [img]https://thoughtsofa20yearold.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/dave.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr][sub][center]Interacting with : [@Kyrisse][@King Tai][@POOHEAD189][@December][/center][/sub][hr] Jake ran through the bunker as fast as he could phasing through each and every wall that got in his way. He was about a fourth of the way done with searching when he saw one of the attackers fighting someone from his bunker. Jake quickly ran in and decked the guy right in the jaw. The guy stumbled back a bit, but then he looked at Jake with a big grin. [color=darkorange]"Guess this won't be as easy as I thought."[/color] Jake along with the other person fought the attacker who was much stronger than Jake expected. Not super strong but stronger than Jake. While fighting the guy two more of the attackers showed up each with a nasty looking knife. One of them moved to stab Jake's partner. [color=darkorange]"LOOK OUT!"[/color] Jake jumped in the way trying to grab the hand with the knife but missed. Jake quickly braced himself because he didn't want the knife going through him and hitting the other person. Jake closed his eyes expecting a knife to go straight into his chest. Nothing happened though and he slowly opened his eyes and saw that the knife had broken into pieces. At first Jake was confused as well as the others in the room, but soon he realized what was going on. This time he was the one giving a devilish grin to his enemies. [color=darkorange]"Hey, dude. I think I can handle this. You go on and get out of here."[/color] Jake's ally then began running for the door, but the biggest among the attackers moved to grab them. Jake got in the way throwing another punch at the guys jaw. This time in sent the man sprawling down to the floor. One of the other people ran towards Jake punching him on the side of the head. The punch didn't even move Jake. What it did however was cause the man's hand to pretty much turn inside out. Jake turned towards the final guy who instantly started running away. [color=darkorange]"My power is so much cooler than I thought. BOOYAH!"[/color] At that Jake continued his search for any one else inside the bunker.