[quote=@rbwls8028] [@Sightles] Hey, Sorry. I'm around. I read your post. I'm quite stumped in terms of where to go from here. Seems like our part (counselors) of the post are going slower than others (campers) in terms of time frame. Should we skip to campfire timeline after my greeting session? [/quote] I was thinking about doing that. Was going to do the greeting, and then probably make a big post about time passing. Going to let some of the other interactions play out some more. [quote=@Mr Allen J] Sorry I didn't post yet, I was just trying to come up with the sensible way of approaching [@AluminumDude]'s character. Well, I could just cheese it and have him bump into him, or use the equal copout of "I should make friends!" [/quote] If you'd like to, you can wait until I timeskip us to the campfire. It shouldn't take too much long for everyone to get to a good stopping point for me to advance a few hours. [@Natural Mess] [@Animera] [@DrowsyPangolin] [@Orange Juice] [@AluminumDude]