[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] The native had warmed herself due to the combination of the morning sun and the rock, and rubbed her eyes as she lazily walked back into the ... ... how? The place had been much smaller, hadn't it been? There were methods of expanding caves of course, but none of them involved mixing strange herbs together the night beforehand. Usually the effort involved the entire group working together for many hours, although the results were usually more visually pleasing than what she saw. Still though, she was impressed. With the supplies she brought, it seemed that Charlotte would be able to get things together herself in as little time as possible. [color=orangered]"Conas a fuair tú é sin? Tá sé go hiontach!"[/color] The other woman would find herself being petted for a second or two by the shorter woman as the black haired woman was hugged with the other arm. Taking out her flute, the native played a few cheerful notes on it before gesturing to her gifts, pulling out a piece of fruit for each of them. Demonstrating how to peel and eat it, the orange haired woman found herself enjoying a small breakfast.