Duncan nodded. “You should see them. Don’t keep telling yourself you’ll do it next year. Eventually you’ll be so socked in by responsibilities or bills you won’t make it. I bet you’d love some of the places I’ve been. Meteor Crater, AZ, Death Valley, Bottomless Lakes, Gila Cliff Dwellings, and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, Chiricahua National Park where Geronimo hid out, Yosemite, places like that. I never made it to Yellowstone or really most places up north. I have seen the seven churches the Apostle Paul spoke to in Revelations, Goreme in Eastern Turkey where the Crusaders hid out, Istanbul, Attaturk’s tomb… “Alcatraz would be a neat place,” he suggested. He drank a little of his water. Despite his love of Turkish Chai, he mostly drank water for his meals or fruit juice. Breakfast was the exception when he had coffee. “Maybe …” he hesitated. He frowned. “Problem with going all these places is that they are no fun alone. Not really.” His frowned deepened. Finally he sighed. “I am eventually going to ask you, so I may as well get it out now while we are talking about it. How would you like to travel - see the world. I can literally take us anywhere we can legally go. I think I’d avoid most of the middle east these days or anywhere war torn. But even Antarctica is on my list. I am considering the Himalayas too. Might park the limo and take a yacht. I can get us a private jet. I really can.” He laughed. “I didn’t get lucky at the casinos. But I did get really lucky. Like I said - luckiest guy on the planet. “I mean you don’t have to decide right away. I have a room at Caesar’s Palace for another few weeks. But it takes a little time to get a passport. I have some tax stuff to do before I go travelling. And I have to talk to a dozen different investment brokerage firms. And I have to hire accountants and real estate managers. And I need to hire an estate manager. I don’t even have a place to live. I am technically homeless.” Out of the blue he asked, “wanna go to Paris?” He laughed as it was clearly a joke, but he was also serious. It was an option. “I think I’d like England and Scotland better. And I’d have to visit Norway and Iceland. Maybe we could tour Europe by rail. Oh, and I want to see all the castles along the Rhine! “The offer is genuine. And I planned to wait to ask you about this stuff. But given my track record, waiting isn’t something I am good at.”