The Krogan had thrown the Asari aside like a doll. Good thing, too. That Asari had a foul mouth, mocking the English mannerisms constantly. Oh, well, she'd gotten hers. Ellis' shields held strong. He turned back to reassure himself of the Geth's safety. "You hurt?" Rykarn asked. Ellis watched the Geth for a moment more, intrigued at the thought that the flip-flopping plates could be synthetic body language, or at the very least, indicators of emotion. Ellis turned to the krogan. "I'm fine. I'm more worried about the Asari." The Geth stepped out, declaring itself 'Phalanx' and apologizing, asking for peace. It helped up the Turian in an act of simple charity, thanking Rykarn and Ellis for their intervention. This was getting really weird, but, in Ellis' experience, 'really weird' meant 'really lucrative'. This would be worthwhile, he was certain, but it would be just as frustrating. By the looks of things, it seemed that everyone was armed. This indicated a combat function. However,they were multiracial, which indicated a need for diversity, and therefore, diplomacy. All of this added up to two possibilities. One: this group was here for a peacekeeping function, or two: this was someone's sick attempt to start a multispecies war. The Asari seemed fairly blank when it came to critical thought, so Ellis spoke firmly. "The first to die is the first to become a martyr for an intergalactic incident."