[h1][b][center][color=plum]Ade Daybreak[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][center][hider=Ade Daybreak] [img]https://animeaudiolog.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/maoyuu-maou-yuusha-09-big-sister-maid-in-tears.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr][sub][center]Interacting with : Anyone who wants[/center][/sub][hr] Being in the capital had been such a blur. She knew she was put in a place along with other refugees, but that was all she could really remember. At some point she recalled hearing that their would be some decree from the king. She wasn't sure why but she ended up in the area where the decree was being given. Truthfully she was disgusted at what some of the people around were saying in regards to what the king was asking. When the messenger finished Ade resolved to find her way back. She had to find out what happened to her sister. She walked around trying to see if there was anyone that might help her get there. She even asked a few but each time she asked they laughed in her face. Eventually she stopped asking and decided she'd just have to follow some group. She walked over towards the docks and waited for an opportunity to sneak onto one of the ships going south. When no one was looking she bolted for a boat that no one was watching. Not long after she had gotten aboard did the adventurers that were going to be using the vessel got on. There were a lot of people in this group. If she counted right there were ten if one didn't add in the animals or crew of the ship. It was odd to her that it seemed as if these adventurers didn't really know one another. Over the next four days and nights she hid in the supply room concealing herself anytime someone walked in. She felt bad that she was technically stealing, but these people were going to be getting a lot of money so it would be fine. When the ship stopped she was jolted awake. She could hear a few members of the crew coming to the room so she quickly sneaked out before they arrived. She slowly made her way to the upper deck being sure not to alert anyone of her presence. However, before she could get off the boat she tripped over a small wooden pail bringing attention directly to her.