[center][h3]King Alaric I[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qbGtIvk.png[/img] Long May He Reign[/center] "[color=thistle][i]Thank you, Pastor.[/i][/color]" Alaric Gyre spoke as a knight of Silk and Iron returned the Vinossian Pastor his tome. "[color=thistle][i]You have my word that I shall do all within my power to ensure the Faith stands as stalwart as in the days of old. For Vinos lies as deeply within my heart as any within this Kingdom and whilst this crown rests upon my head I will do all I can.[/i][/color]" Alaric declared before his gaze turned to the Duke Demotarius. "[color=thistle][i]I understand your grievances my Duke. It is however a necessity that the Church, that venerable institution to which we all look to guidance for, is maintained by the Realm which it guides. Do know however that your wise council is known.[/i][/color]" The King would only watch on in silence as Duke Conrad left the throne room. A scowl hid itself well upon Alaric's face as he watched the man leave, the Council had not yet finished and this petulant Duke had taken it upon himself to walk away. Unsaid words fell away upon his lips as the emissaries from the Elven and Dwarven realms were admitted into the throne room. [i]Another time, Conrad.[/i] First came the Dwarves. "[color=thistle][i]Master Dwarves. It is an honour, and you do me too much with such a fine gift. The Realm and it's peoples thank you and it is upon that same merry note that I can do nothing but accept this agreement for trade. Dwarven goods shall find many a home amongst our people just as surely as ours shall within Marak, of that I hold no doubt.[/i][/color]" The King spoke in a measured tone. His tone bore a hint of warmth, enough that one might find friendship in if they tried, but not enough so that those he spoke to forgot he was a King. Following the bearded folk came the ethereal folk of the woodlands. Elves. The approach of hooded figures had several knights of the Silk and Iron taking steps forward whilst the King offered his reply to the Elven Prince. "[i][color=thistle]You shall find Osteria to be a stalwart nation of stalwart peoples, Prince Galonos.[/color][/i]" The King replied somewhat testily. "[color=thistle][i]I too would like to see an improvement in relations between our two peoples, and a trade agreement is something which I can easily accept."[/i][/color]