Vreskrr stood immobile as chaos encroached on the town's center. The only thing moveing was her tail dragging across the ground, slowly, almost carefully. Attentively listening to the conversation, ready to jump into action at any given moment. When Leila had done her say, Alionna came storming in. Vreskrr frowned at the woman as she hurled her insults at the tyrant, did she not realize it was too soon to fight him? Did she not feel the power emanating from his form? Extending the back of her spear in front of Alionna to stop her from taking another step, Vreskrr waited for her to finish her tantrum. Quickly responding when Alionna finished, Vreskrr spoke up. "You can say what you want, but he did what everyone asked of him. After all, he [i]did[/i] slay remus." She chuckled at her own ironic remark before turning to Sven. "I'd leave plundering and pillaging to the demons though. Wouldn't do to upset social balances now, would it? You've already left one girl clueless of how to act." Vreskrr's usual sadistic grin returned to decorate her expression, pointing at Alionna as she said this. Vreskrr was tense, not afraid, but regardless concerned about taking hits from the tyrant. As much as she disliked Remus, she was well aware of his power. Remus, along with several other strong demons had been defeated by this man, he would by no means be good for her lifespan. Her tail now stopped moving, taking steady breaths, Vreskrr retracted her spear from in front of Alionna and stood almost completely still. She was calm, calmer than she'd ever been, the chaos that came with being a demon momentarily drowned out. With the carefully drawn rune behind her, Vreskrr even felt confident. If someone were to pull pull a stunt, she would be ready. She wouldn't fight ad she did not have death wish, but she at least had the rune to assist her escape if things went awry. [@Cuccoruler] [@Hammerman] [@Lightning]