"Uh, no need for the military treatment. I'm your partner, not your commanding officer." said Makoto, scratching his head. This at least prompted Commandramon to relax, if only a little bit. Apparently he was programmed with military discipline. Thinking back to the game, Makoto remembered that Commandramon could evolve into forms that specialized in cannons and other forms of high-level firepower. Already ideas for strategies and tactics swam around in the gamer's mind, at least until he remembered that he brought no cards with him. He'd have to obtain some from the company, enough to put together a deck at least. That was when Commandramon cleared his throat, pointing at someone walking up behind Makoto, "Huh?" he turned around to find one of the other contestants, "Oh, uh... I'm Makoto. Friends call me Emu." he said, having forgotten whether or not he actually introduced himself to the other tamers yet, "That's, well I'm guessing you can tell he's Commandramon." "Incidentally," Kuroda spoke up with a clearing of his throat, "it may be wise to put the Digimon back in the D-Scanners soon. You see they..." he started to say, but seemed as if he couldn't quite explain it. Thankfully Ms. Chase was there to pick up the slack. "Even in their physical forms, the Digimon are still made up of data. For this reason, they can't sustain their physical forms for long before it becomes life-threatening to them. Apparently the real world is dangerous for them to stay in for prolonged periods of time. We think that may be one possible origin for the Cyber Beasts: Digimon programs that were somehow brought into the physical world and then stayed for too long, driving them mad." she said all this without even missing a beat or even looking up from her tablet. "Yes, yes, couldn't have said it better myself!" said Kuroda with a clap of his hands. That was when an employee rushed into the room, looking worried about something, "What is it?" asked Kuroda, seeming a bit more serious for a change. "We have another sighting. This one's rather close by, only a few blocks away! Police and the Special Assault Team are already en route to form a perimeter." he said, sounding a bit out of breath, probably because he'd run from whatever department he was assigned to to deliver the report. "Fantastic!" said Kuroda, sounding strangely happy considering the seriousness of the situation, "A perfect chance for us to really put Project Destiny into action. We'll provide you transportation to the hostile site. Once there, the SAT should allow you entry. All the cards we have in print here are at your disposal, as are the upcoming sets we've previewed. Make sure you use them to make a suitable card deck before you go." That was a relief. The part about the cards, not the Cyber Beast sighting. Truth be told, Makoto was still a bit nervous about this. Still, he was relieved to know he'd be able to construct a new deck for himself before they set out. He'd already come up with an idea for a card load-out, remembering certain cards like Positron Rifle, Rail Gun Shooter, and of course the Giga Blaster and Megamorph cards. He'd be sure to include those in his new deck. Once it was constructed, he pointed the D-Scanner at Commandramon, "Our first mission. Ready?" The Digimon nodded and gave a short salute before he was drawn back into the D-Scanner.