Tysetaz continued to look on and wait for how Sven wanted to deal with these people, Both his and Valerica's attention were on the three standing before Heavensward. He lowered his staff "Valerica be ready to-hrrg" He was cut off by an arrow finding it's way into his side, luckily it didn't cause much more than a flesh wound. Valerica turned first, arms out and ready to stop any further arrows. Tysetaz found the source shortly after he recovered from the hit. Pulling the arrow out and casting it aside, He looked in the direction Valerica was facing to see the shooter on top of a nearby house, and then he recognized him. "Hmm, Garen" He stood ready but didn't retaliate yet, sparing another glance toward Sven and the group in front of him. He tapped Valerica's back "Go" and she took of toward the building Garen was on and started quickly climbing up it to get to him. Tysetaz, for his part, was ready to stop more arrows but kept his focus on the situation by the center of the town. [hr] Kythe wasn't sure about what to do. The purpose of them even gathering in the first place was to prepare to face Sven yet here they were just hours later confronting him while several of his generals were here to support him without so much as a plan. Most of the group seemed to have run off to their own thing while three went to face down Sven directly. He debated with the thought of abandoning them, as he'd do no good for his homeland if he died now, but ultimately decided against as this group was probably the best chance he had. He caught Garen as he went after Tysetaz, spotting him on the roof, and made to follow, hoping to help at least someone get out of this alive. By the time he caught up the steel woman was getting up to the roof, so Kythe tackled her right back off. They both hit the ground hard but Valerica got back up faster and Kythe was barely even able to draw his blade in time, much less get his footing. He was caught stumbling backwards while trying to deflect Valerica's rabid flurry of strikes.