[@PhoenixRising] Sylvia turned on her heel in excitement. Her roommate! Finally! She had quietly begun to think that nobody else would be, or could be, placed in a single room with a succubus. Who was it! What were they like! How quickly her joy soured up and shriveled. That same goofy bastard she had tried to seduce earlier, who had called her out right after as impatient, or something along those lines. Truth be told, Sylvia hadn't bothered to listen at all. Had enough problems already from people telling her to stop dressing so slutty. Stop making lewd gestures. All that stuff. It was too much for her to take right now. With an exasperated sight, and a dramatic swoon for effect, she deftly fell onto her own claimed bed and rolled over, her back facing Ken. Bad enough she'd made a complete fool of herself but now she had to room with the walking mistake. "Whatever.." She mumbled.