Raiya clinked her glass with Nemo's glass and knocked back the soft amber liquid. The sweet taste of the liquid was quickly replaced with the familiar burn of alcohol. Certainly it was sweet, but it still definitely was alcohol. [color=ec008c]"I'm not frightened. I am quite confident in my own abilities, even with what I have seen you display so far, I believe that if I wanted to I could fight you and live, perhaps even win. You're more of a minor annoyance than the nightmare monster many of the underworld would have me believe." [/color]Raiya replied, [color=ec008c]"Although, you did surprise me with the power you have displayed. You are powerful, there is no doubt about that. Unstoppable? Immortal? Death incarnate? I find those claims hard to believe."[/color] Raiya refilled her glass, filling it to the brim this time, and kicked her feet up on the table, leaning her chair back to a balance point. She placed her left hand behind her head, scratching an itch she had, while sipping on her drink with her right hand. She kept her left arm stretched up behind her head while talking. [color=ec008c]"I told them expressly not to. You may call it a matter of pride or honor or what have you but I want to be a part of every process involved in finding the killer. This is my work and I will see it completed if it is the last thing I do in this life."[/color] Raiya explained [hr] Felix leaned back on the lab table once more. He waved his hand, a book appeared in his hands in a flurry of blue flames. He dropped the same book a second later, it vanished into another flurry of blue flames. "That is the mana inventory." Felix commented, "It is a pocket dimension within your aura where physical items can be stored and recalled at a moments notice. Think if it like an invisible backpack, or closet. The size of your mana inventory depends on the size of your two mana wells which incidentally effects the overall size of your aura. I am constantly suppressing my aura otherwise the resulting mana waves would create a physical vibration everywhere I go that would shake everything around me, and you could see why that would be a problem. But because of the size of my mana wells I can store much more inside my mana inventory than most people." Felix explained. He took off his glasses and wiped them down with a cloth he materialized from his mana inventory. Then he dropped both his glasses and the cloth, both of them disappearing in a puff of blue flame. "Because of the fact that I am so accustomed to using this simple recall and dismiss spell, I never have to say the incantations. It's one of the first spells most Talents learn to use second nature, without incantations. Once a person uses a spell enough, they start to get a feel for how the spell is shaped and operates, and can therefore use it without incantations. Although, there are spells that are more powerful when used with an incantation, so it is something you have to learn for yourself. In order to cast the spell to place an item into your mana inventory, you have to feel your aura, bring forth the aura and shape it around the item you are holding and then say this word, 'serere.' In order to bring it back from your mana inventory, you think of the item you placed in the inventory, the feel of the item in your aura, force that feeling to the area you want to make it appear, so in this case your hands, and say 'vocāre.'" Felix explained. "Does that make any sense?" Felix finished.