[@Letter Bee] [@Lightninglynx89] [@Deathclawow] [@olcharlieboi] Arriving in Brightwell too little too late, Aaron sighed. He probably shouldn't have taken a boat after all. Grabbing a burner phone and calling a contact, he soon turned off the phone and tossed it. A while passed without anyone appearing until a large, burly man approached him from behind. The man stuck his hand into one of many pockets and retrieved a... piece of paper. The man tapped Aaron on his shoulder and immediately pressed the paper into Aaron's hand, disguising it as a handshake. The two of them talked for a little, seemingly a jovial and amicable conversation before thanking each other and parting ways. Aaron put his hands in his pockets during the conversation, seemingly casual, though a slight clinking of metals could be heard by anyone within a meter from him. After the conversation had ended, Aaron pulled withdrew his hands from his pockets and unfolded the piece of paper. [i]You were too late. There was a suspicious group who'd rented out the place a while back. I tried reserving a room, but they were all reserved already. Money can go a long way though and eventually he gave me a name. A certain 'Gavin Prince', which I believe is the person you were looking for. According to the motel owner they went to Epirus, Greece...Ironic isn't it? Thanks again for setting me up here, I feel a lot better now I left all that behind me. P.S. I expect a good sum of money back for bribing the motel owner, she wasn't cheap.[/i] Aaron grabbed a lighter and burned the note. Tossing the burner cell in a nearby trash bin, he sighed. Ironic indeed, the group he went to meet wasn't here, instead they were now in the country he had so recently left behind. Entering the motel Aaron simply flashed a CIA ID at the owner and said "Something new has come up, I'm here to inspect the room again." Inside the room there was no one and little was of interest to Aaron. Not that he was really here to investigate, of course. In the solitude of the deserted room he opened a window and meditated on the bed. Eventually having gathered enough energy he teleported. Landing flat on his behind next to his own bed, he looked around a little and got up. This was indeed his own room... and he was looking at his bed from the exact position he'd focused on. Noting that he'd have to practice doing that properly, he swiftly got up and went outside. [hr] Out in the streets of Epirus, he wandered around a little before seeing a figure launched into the sky from across the rooftops. Aaron navigated through several alleyways and arrived at the scene, right in time to see the group leave through a portal. When he asked a passerby what was up with that, the passerby simply told him someone had told them these people were making a movie. Aaron returned his gaze to where the group had been, only to find the crowd had mysteriously died out, even the person who had just been next to him was now gone. "This is not my day" Aaron mumbled to himself as he approached the only group remaining. When he saw the cuffs on the boy he realized he had walked into something unpleasant. Not sure which side he'd want to be on in this instance, he just pretended to be lost. "Umm, excuse me, I am so SO sorry to interrupt you gentlemen, but I'm afraid I'm rather lost, you see? Would any one of you mind telling how to get to the folk art museum...Something Mansion*?" [hider=*Folk art museum Tossizza mansion] [url]http://metsovomuseum.gr/en/the-museum/[/url] [/hider]