Remember your characters are taking up the legacy of the heroes who came before. While 'Dropout' is a cool name, a new guy calling himself the Punisher is what I'm really looking for. Or if you wanna call him Outlaw like the black dude who's basically a European Punisher, that's fine. I just don't want an entire cast of characters with very little or nothing to do with the legacy they're continuing. Some of the characters should actually be taking up the mantles of those who came before. Amadeus Cho's daughter for example could be a new teen She Hulk. Another clone of Wolverine could be running around calling himself Weapon X. EDIT: [@Pathfinder] I saw after second glance the mentoring by an aged Castle. And being a dropout of the Xavier School [no Jean Grey school, just simplifies it a little]. What you've got's good so far. If the Punisher dies while mentoring him in his old age, Dropout should trade his shirt in for a black Punisher shirt. ~KL~