Baltazar stayed a good bit behind Listec for the duration of their walk. The thick jungle, the magic spell and his own stealth made him virtually undetectable, and a good bit less miserable for the bugs leaving him alone. To his great fortune, the trek turned out to be a rather short one, but to his great dread, it turned out that the wizard was even more naive than Baltazar had thought possible. Upon hearing what Darren was saying, Baltazar almost lost control of his magic in his urge to silence the man, but Listec conveyed his sentiment on his own. While the unknown elf was busy talking to Listec, Baltazar stole around the glensnuck around the clearing. Maintaining his spell felt he was holding his breath with his soul, but he held on until he had made it around to the opposite side. Resting his crossbow on his sword arm, he took aim at the elf and released his magic. Of course, he had no clue what the elves were actually saying. "So, Listec, what's the verdict? Do we shoot him or not?" Baltazar asked in reikspiel, though in all honesty, he wasn't sure which of the two he would rather shoot.