“I found these guys not too long ago,” Lucas said to Jen as he guided her down the dimly lit hallway, “They were in a situation very similar to yours; cornered and just about ready to die had I not come along.” For some reason, Jen thought that Lucas was taking a quick stab at her survival skills, or lack thereof. She only replied with a quick nod as they turned the corner. Once they approached one of the last doors on the right, Lucas reached for a key. He then proceeded to unlock the door and motion for Jen to follow him. As she walked inside, she froze in place. Her breath caught in her throat as she stood before two lifeless bodies leaning against each other on the ground, both with what appeared to be fresh neck wounds. Something inside snapped, and Jen finally reacted. She turned around and bolted from the room, trying to get away as fast as she could from Lucas who was jogging after her and asking her where she was going. Jen reached the stairwell and rushed down way too fast, eventually causing her to miss a step and tumble all the way downstairs. She was in a moderate amount of pain from the fall, and despite her blurry vision, she kept her eyes on Lucas as he descended the stairs with some sort of tool in hand.