Ah this RP, well if it all right with you, I'll bring back Agent Montana and pair him with Omega again unless you are doing the pairing still. Either way I'll get a bio up in a few hours when I'm finished with my classes. EDIT: Never mind found the old bio from the old RvB so here it is granted I'll work out the kinks to fit the format of the bio here of course if necessary. [hider] [b]Full name:[/b] Zeke [b]Code name:[/b] Montana Gender: Male Age: 31 [b]Implanted A.I.:[/b] Omega (if we are allowed to choose this time) [b]Armour Ability: [/b]Super Strength [b]Appearance (Armor):[/b] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130114211034/halo/images/7/7d/MJOLNIR_Rogue.png[/img] [b]Apperance (Out of Armor):[/b] Still looking... [b]Personality:[/b] Zeke is a hard-ass type of guy, it doesn't necessarily means he doesn't have a sense of humor but most of the time he is straight to the point and doesn't sugar coat things. If things look bad, he is going to be the guy to admit that shit is about to hit the fan and not everyone is going to make it rather then try and be optimistic. Yet despite his hard nature, he enjoys poking his comrade's buttons and has a sense of humor that lies under the hard exterior, though whether or not that sense of humor is safe for his comrades is harder to answer, he has been known to let a live flash grenade loose in their rooms to see how fast they can scramble away from it before it goes off. He doesn't understand why he is the only one who finds it funny. XD [b]History:[/b] Hard to imagine a dropout could find his way to the freelancer program. He dropout of college sick and tired of the grind and joined the UNSC despite his parents protests, figuring he would want more out of life then being a 'dumb grunt' described by his father. He gave them the bird and out the door he went to start a new life as a soldier. It was no cakewalk though and at first Zeke barely scraped by to make it even into the army but he wanted to prove to everyone that he was more then just some dumb grunt and kept pushing himself, trying to be the best of the best. He was eventually moved over to work in an ODST unit, though his hopes of serving on Reach when the covenant attacked never came true, he still saw his fare share of battles within his unit where he soon got know for being a hardcase with his superiors. He got the job done for the most part but there were complaints of disobeying directives and reckless endangerment though no one was ever killed. Perhaps this was what eventually got the attention of those who ran the freelancer program. His dedication to get the job done by any means necessary would be considered a valuable assist to the program for those missions that were balls to the walls so to speak. So now there he was a Freelancer, after ten years of working to show the people at home he was more then a grunt, he stood at the top with some of the best of the best, now he just tries to show he can be even better then them while playing the practical joke here and there that may or may not threaten the safety of those around him. [b]Weapon Loadout:[/b] -M45D Tactical Shotgun aka "Scorn" as Zeke likes to call it, it's his pride and joy so to speak, been with him since day one and if anyone else besides him touches it, well they are going to see how hard he can hit before they can say 'sorry'. -MA5D Individual Combat Weapon System -M6H Personal Defense Weapon System -x2 Frag [b]Fighting Style: [/b]Up close and personal. He's built like a tank, takes a licking but keeps on ticking so to speak. (He's like the Kool-Aid man but on steroids. XD) He doesn't use a knife though when he gets up close, instead he likes to duke it out with his fists when bullets just don't cut it. [b]Theme Song (because why the heck not):[/b] [b]Other: N/A[/b] [/hider]