Sven turned to Masirth for a moment as he suggested killing his foes for him. "Don't underestimate what they can do on their own, not until we know more about them. Stay back and watch, don't show your hand yet." Sven ordered. He hated when others said they would destroy his enemies for him in this way. He would prefer to give the order. Sven just gave a smirk as Alionna and Leila tried to talk him out of what he was doing. "Your words mean nothing to me. Only the words of those who are blind to what a hell this world is. And yes, this is the point of slavery, I'm glad you noticed." Sven said with a smile as he took a few steps towards the three women. "Your all blind, not only is there slavery. There is torture, there is those who eat their own kind out of desperation. I plan to remake this world, send it back to a time when this wasn't so. And if I have to become a villain or demon to complete my dream then so be it." Sven added showing just how dedicated he was to his cause. Feon in the mean time had snapped out of her rage and approached Sven from behind the others. "Yeah Remus say's you need to shut up, and this is one of the times that I have to agree with him." Feon said her fists glowing with holy light. Sven looked down at them with a frown. "If you think you can fight me now then your several thousand years too early." Sven added with a smirk. He turned his head towards the hostages who coward in fear. He pointed his hand towards them and slowly a sort of life force could be seen draining from the richer looking folks. Then it drained from the slaves as well. All of that energy seemed to go into a sort of gem. "Now then, let me show you how much more powerful I am." He added taking out his sword and raising it into the air. As he did this the magic of the blade grew to several hundred feet tall. He then slammed it down into the ground. It was slow moving so easy to dodge but the point of it was to show how powerful he was. Alionna had put of a shield but to no avail as the sword came slamming down.