[img]https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2016/02/800178.jpg&w=480[/img] Name: Lawrence Nightguard Age: 42 Gender: Female Nomadic or sedentary: Conditional Weapons: A set of spiked knuckles and a heavy crossbow Skills: Tracking, Brawling and Scavenging Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: Lawrence has thick, rock-like callouses across the arms and legs. Her body runs hotter than normal, she appears to have stopped aging, and she's much stronger than she used to be. However, she expends energy much faster than normal, and she has to sleep 12 hours a day and eat much more to keep herself healthy. Brief Personality: Lawrence spends most of her time helping coordinate the Town Guard. She's dedicated to the path she's set out for herself, and will forge onward regardless of anyone else's opinion. On a personal level, she takes no nonsense, seems to have no sense of humor, and expects everyone around her to share her dedication to others. Background: Lawrence was a Marine in the US Army before the bombs fell, though she was on leave when the actual event happened. This put her both close to the blast zones and in a first responder capacity to find survivors. Exposed to so much of the radiation, it didn't take her long to fall ill and begin to mutate. She recovered from her illness quickly, even though every doctor still working told her it would be the end of her life, and after seeing the devastation war had brought to the planet, she swore to herself never to allow anything like this to happen again. It took a long time, but eventually she had gathered like-minded people to her cause and set up a home base in the Statue of Liberty. Since then she's slowly built her power base in New York, and a settlement has formed at the foot of the Statue under her protection. Alone or with someone?: Always with the Guard