[@Vicier][@Caits] Alrighty then, Hanzo is finished, I'd better get to working on Reinhardt. [hider=Shimada Hanzo] [centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/D6T4SsH.jpg[/img] [h1][color=#1dac57]H[/color][color=#1f934e]a[/color][color=#217a45]n[/color][color=#22613c]z[/color][color=#244833]o[/color] [color=#1dac57]島[/color][color=#1f8b4b]田[/color][color=#22693f]半[/color][color=#244833]蔵[/color] [/h1][url=https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/overwatch.gamepedia.com/d/d4/Hanzo_-_If_you_sit_by_the_river_long_enough.ogg][h3][sub][i][color=white]"[/color][color=#1dac57]I[/color][color=#1dab57]f[/color] [color=#1da856]y[/color][color=#1da755]o[/color][color=#1da655]u[/color] [color=#1ea354]s[/color][color=#1ea253]i[/color][color=#1ea053]t[/color] [color=#1e9e52]b[/color][color=#1e9c51]y[/color] [color=#1e9a50]t[/color][color=#1e9950]h[/color][color=#1e9750]e[/color] [color=#1f954f]r[/color][color=#1f934e]i[/color][color=#1f924e]v[/color][color=#1f914d]e[/color][color=#1f8f4d]r[/color] [color=#1f8d4c]l[/color][color=#1f8c4b]o[/color][color=#1f8a4b]n[/color][color=#1f894a]g[/color] [color=#208649]e[/color][color=#208549]n[/color][color=#208449]o[/color][color=#208248]u[/color][color=#208148]g[/color][color=#208047]h[/color][color=#207f47],[/color] [color=#207c46]t[/color][color=#207b45]h[/color][color=#217945]e[/color] [color=#217744]b[/color][color=#217543]o[/color][color=#217443]d[/color][color=#217342]i[/color][color=#217242]e[/color][color=#217041]s[/color] [color=#216e41]o[/color][color=#216c40]f[/color] [color=#226a3f]y[/color][color=#22683f]o[/color][color=#22673e]u[/color][color=#22663e]r[/color] [color=#22633d]e[/color][color=#22623c]n[/color][color=#22613c]e[/color][color=#225f3b]m[/color][color=#225e3b]i[/color][color=#235d3a]e[/color][color=#235b3a]s[/color] [color=#235939]w[/color][color=#235839]i[/color][color=#235638]l[/color][color=#235538]l[/color] [color=#235237]f[/color][color=#235136]l[/color][color=#235036]o[/color][color=#244e35]a[/color][color=#244d35]t[/color] [color=#244b34]b[/color][color=#244933]y[/color][color=#244833].[/color][color=white]"[/color][/i][/sub][/h3] [/url] [hr][hr] [b][h2][color=#1dac57]G[/color][color=#1da655]e[/color][color=#1ea153]n[/color][color=#1e9b51]e[/color][color=#1f964f]r[/color][color=#1f904d]a[/color][color=#1f8b4b]l[/color] [color=#208047]I[/color][color=#217a45]n[/color][color=#217443]f[/color][color=#216f41]o[/color][color=#22693f]r[/color][color=#22643d]m[/color][color=#225e3b]a[/color][color=#235939]t[/color][color=#235337]i[/color][color=#244e35]o[/color][color=#244833]n[/color] [/h2][/b][/centre] [hr][hr] [color=277a48]Name[/color] Shimada Hanzo [color=277a48]Gender [/color] Male [color=277a48]Age[/color] 39 [color=277a48]Date of Birth[/color] 26th of October, 1978 [color=277a48]Scent[/color] Feathers, grease and the tang of the sea [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=#1dac57]R[/color][color=#1da855]e[/color][color=#1ea354]l[/color][color=#1e9f52]a[/color][color=#1e9b51]t[/color][color=#1f964f]i[/color][color=#1f924e]o[/color][color=#1f8e4c]n[/color][color=#1f894a]s[/color][color=#208549]h[/color][color=#208147]i[/color][color=#207c46]p[/color] [color=#217343]I[/color][color=#216f41]n[/color][color=#226b40]f[/color][color=#22663e]o[/color][color=#22623c]r[/color][color=#225e3b]m[/color][color=#235939]a[/color][color=#235538]t[/color][color=#235136]i[/color][color=#244c35]o[/color][color=#244833]n[/color][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [color=277a48]Relationship Status[/color] Single [color=277a48]Sexuality[/color] Homosexual [color=277a48]Famlily[/color] Mother – Shimada Haruyo (Deceased) Father – Shimada Genichi (Living) Brother – Shimada Genji (Living) [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=#1dac57]P[/color][color=#1da755]e[/color][color=#1ea153]r[/color][color=#1e9c51]s[/color][color=#1e974f]o[/color][color=#1f924e]n[/color][color=#1f8c4c]a[/color][color=#20874a]l[/color] [color=#207d46]I[/color][color=#217744]n[/color][color=#217242]f[/color][color=#216d40]o[/color][color=#22683e]r[/color][color=#22623c]m[/color][color=#235d3b]a[/color][color=#235839]t[/color][color=#235337]i[/color][color=#244d35]o[/color][color=#244833]n[/color][/h2] [hr][hr] [h3][sup][color=244833]▴[/color] [i]Loyal[/i] [color=244833]▴ ▾[/color] [i]Reserved[/i] [color=244833]▾ ▴[/color] [i]Patient[/i] [color=244833]▴ ▾[/color] [i]Dour[/i] [color=244833]▾[/color][/sup][/h3][/center] [color=277a48]Personality[/color] [indent]Hanzo is not a particularly complex man, simply being a product of the rigorous upbringing of the Shimada clan, but it is his monumental force of character that makes him harder to understand. Having been raised to venerate tradition, work hard for the clan and value loyalty above all else, it is no surprise that he treats his father's words as holy writ and has more hours logged into the dojo and archery range than half the rest of the clan combined. He and his brother are members of the Shimada clan and their superior station and advantages come with obligations. It is his duty to never be second best, to be the heir and warrior his father needs, he believes, even though it may cost him happiness and peace of mind in the process. The illegal nature of the clan's ventures often weighs heavily upon his mind as well but he is determined he will not shame himself or his father by questioning his orders. When he takes command of the house of Shimada, however, things may be different. As such, he comes off as anti-social, aloof or grouchy to those who meet him and they are not wholly wrong. The one time Hanzo's persona of contemptuous superiority drops is in the presence of his younger brother. With Genji, some of his years are removed and the two seem little changed from the boys who stole sweets from the kitchens and skipped training sessions in favour of spending hours at the Hanamura arcade. it never lasts, as Hanzo is mindful of his adult responsibilities in direct contradiction to the attitude Genji has to his. The two may be more different than brothers have any right to be but they nevertheless enjoy each other's company and the times they have spent laughing together have been the happiest of Hanzo's life. With Genji's recent exodus from the Shimada clan, however, his dour mood is more present than ever before. He also fears for Genji's survival, both because his brother is engaged in a dangerous business and because his wayward ways may soon make him an enemy of clan Shimada. And enemies are to be destroyed...[/indent] [color=277a48]Likes [/color] Meditation, Sparring Practise, Precision [color=277a48]Dislikes [/color] Chaos, Disorder, The Cold [color=277a48]Hobbies [/color] Avid Archer, Rookie Go Player, Enthusiastic Chef [color=277a48]Strengths [/color] [color=1dac57]➶[/color] Determined; Never stop until the is goal fulfilled and the foe slain. [color=1dac57]➶[/color] Dedicated; To master the world, one must first master the self. [color=1dac57]➶[/color] Deadly; If one does not strike first, ones must strike last. [color=277a48]Weaknesses[/color] [color=244833]➴[/color] Stubborn; Be as the mountain, unmoved and eternal. [color=244833]➴[/color] Traditional; Through repetition, perfection or madness. [color=244833]➴[/color] Melancholy; Hope is the crutch of fools and weapon of wise-men. [color=277a48]Brief Biography[/color] [indent]Born the son of one of Japan's most powerful crime syndicates, the Shimada clan, Hanzo was groomed for greatness from a young age. His education was without equal, with equal amounts of time spent on philosophy, mathematics and literature, though the subject given most time was the craft of war. Almost before he could walk, he could swing a katana and he could fire a bow long before he could read. His father, Shimada Genichi, could not have wished for a more pliant and obedient son. That was, until his brother arrived. Genji's birth was marred by the sad even of their mother, Shimada Haruyo, passing away and until Genji was able to express himself, Shimada castle was sad and solemn place. It was when the young boy was able to talk that some light was reintroduced into Hanzo's life, for none could make him smile or laugh quite like his younger brother. The two were inseparable for some years, despite their father calling Genji a 'bad influence' and their many tutors agreeing. But when the two became men, Hanzo's sense of duty reasserted itself. He put aside childish things and once more took up the bow and katana and soon the enemies of clan Shimada learned to fear his coming. He assumed that Genji too would grow up and become the faithful warrior that their father expected him to, but he was wrong. Genji would heed the word of no man, tow the line of no authority figure. He distanced himself from the clan, first in small ways and then more obviously. Things have recently come to a head with Genji's affiliation with Overwatch. Where before he was simply removed from the clan's field of interest, he now actively opposes them. Soon, Hanzo fears he will be ordered to destroy his brother and will have to choose between loyalty to his father, to the clan and his loyalty to his brother.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=#1dac57]A[/color][color=#1da755]f[/color][color=#1ea354]f[/color][color=#1e9e52]i[/color][color=#1e9a50]l[/color][color=#1f954f]i[/color][color=#1f914d]a[/color][color=#1f8c4c]t[/color][color=#20884a]i[/color][color=#208348]o[/color][color=#207f47]n[/color] [color=#217543]I[/color][color=#217142]n[/color][color=#216c40]f[/color][color=#22683e]o[/color][color=#22633d]r[/color][color=#225f3b]m[/color][color=#235a3a]a[/color][color=#235638]t[/color][color=#235136]i[/color][color=#244d35]o[/color][color=#244833]n[/color][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [color=277a48]Organisation Alias[/color] "Hawk" [color=277a48]Organisation Affiliation[/color] The Shimada Clan (criminal syndicate, links to Talon) [color=277a48]Base of Operation[/color] Shimada Castle [color=277a48]Battle Type/ Role[/color] Defence (Sniper, Duellist, Ambusher) [color=277a48]Occupation (Currently)[/color] Shimada Clan Field Commander [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=#1dac57]A[/color][color=#1ea053]b[/color][color=#1f934e]i[/color][color=#20874a]l[/color][color=#217a45]i[/color][color=#216e41]t[/color][color=#22613c]t[/color][color=#235538]e[/color][color=#244833]s[/color][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [color=277a48]Abilities[/color] [color=1dac57]➵[/color] Wall Climb (Passive) [indent]While he isn't the ninja his brother is, Hanzo is still immensely skilled at mobility and escape, allowing him to scale seemingly sheer surface with ease.[/indent] [color=1dac57]➵[/color] Sonic Arrow [indent]An arrow that emits a specially designated frequency that reverberates around an area of roughly 10[sup]3[/sup] metres. Based on the echoes it gives off, Hanzo can estimate the position of enemies with unerring accuracy.[/indent] [color=1dac57]➵[/color] Scatter Arrow [indent]Another technologically advanced arrow, the Scatter Arrow's head splits into several dozen separate smaller arrows that bounce off flat surfaces until they strike an enemy. Good in enclosed spaces or when fired at the feet of a large opponent.[/indent] [color=277a48]Weapons[/color] [color=1dac57]➵[/color] Stormbow [indent]The traditional weapon of the Shimada clan, a normal bow is a deadly enough weapon in the hands of master but Hanzo's Stormbow sports all the innovation that technology and wealth can provide.[/indent] [color=1dac57]➵[/color] Katana [indent]While not as proficient with the blade as with the bow, Hanzo is still one of the foremost duellists in Japan and no member of the Shimada clan can equal his skill.[/indent] [color=1dac57]➵[/color] Fists [indent]When disarmed, a true warrior must still be able to inflict suffering upon his foes. The Shimadas understand this rule and the brothers have had long years of hand to hand training beaten into them.[/indent] [color=277a48]Ultimate Ability[/color] [color=1dac57]➵[/color] Dragonstrike [indent]Calling upon the spiritual guardian of the Shimada clan, Hanzo unleashes an arrow imbued with their mystical might. It tears through walls, barriers, armour, shields and anything that attempts to stand in its way, dealing horrendous damage to all in its path.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=#1dac57]O[/color][color=#1da655]t[/color][color=#1ea053]h[/color][color=#1e9950]e[/color][color=#1f934e]r[/color] [color=#20874a]I[/color][color=#208047]n[/color][color=#217a45]f[/color][color=#217443]o[/color][color=#216e41]r[/color][color=#22673e]m[/color][color=#22613c]a[/color][color=#235b3a]t[/color][color=#235538]i[/color][color=#244e35]o[/color][color=#244833]n[/color] [/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [color=277a48]Other [/color] Hanzo has a sweet tooth but will deny it to his grave and smack any who says differently, [i]Genji[/i] [color=277a48]Theme Song[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlVb9JGJyw4]熊谷育美「雲の遥か」[/url] [/hider]