[center][h1][color=ec008c]Alexandria "Alexis" Deva[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3]At the Pokemon Center[/h3][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat][@Heckno12] "[color=ec008c]To tell the truth, it wasn't really my idea. It was Yuki's.[/color]" The little snorunt made a sound indicating her pride, before returning to her pokeball to be healed. Alexis returned the other two soon after. "[color=ec008c]She came up with a plan to fake our loss and use the round to see what his pokemon were like. We only really faced one, and it wasn't actually that much stronger at all. It was the moves he had it learn. They're the kind of like those attacks that the stronger-looking pokemon use.[/color]" For a moment, Alexis looked up, and thought aloud. "[color=ec008c]Actually, thinking on it, maybe I can go and see if the town has a TM I could buy for my pokemon...Ugh. What is wrong with me today? This is not how the girl that's destined for greatness should act.[/color]" [center][h2][color=39b54a]???[/color] In the Pokemon Center[/h2][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat][@Dusksong][@Noxx] "[color=39b54a]Deneb. I come from Unova.[/color]" Deneb answered plainly, but only took a few more moments to decide if these people were trustworthy. He settled for 'Yes' as his answer, but still had to worry about Maractus after she got healed. He looked to the two of them, and said, "[color=39b54a]You two seem different as well. What brings you here?[/color]" He had his own reasons, and suspected what theirs were, but if they were planning on keeping this conversation going, then he might as well contribute. The...eccentric-ish woman seemed to be a some sort of unique pokemon fangirl, while the other seemed to be a bit soft for normal pokemon battles. Still, her parents always told him that appearances could be deceiving, so he asked them in the hopes that they'd explain.