[@DeadlyPhoenix] Fife chuckles as he makes a few quick lines on the page and sets down the pencil to switch to a black pen. "If you want I could probably draw you something on a whole wall. I have done from graffiti art in my time," He says chuckling remembering one of the types that Assan had to come to the police station and had to explain that they didn't have parents to take him home because he got caught 'working' in an alleyway behind their apartment building, [i]Man Assan was so pissed at me that day... Probably the first time he was actually mad at me too.[/i] [@Letmehaveone2] "Chara," They say emotionlessly picking up speed on her punches before jumping back a few times before continuing, "You just gonna Stand there and watch or you wanna join in? Or what? If you any good at sparring do tell me. I could use a new sparring partner." They softly chuckle to themselves and back ways stiffly stretching and grabs their black water bottle with red splatters on it and leans against a way facing Gael breathing heavily trying to catch their breath.