The voice permeated through the air. Its statement was undeniably directed at Sala. Despite this, Sala didn't want to leave her egg, no matter how reassuring the voice was. Well, that would be true if Sala didn't fall a considerable distance. The collision into another egg and the fall down had caused Sala's egg to crack by itself. What once was a shapely, undeniably original egg had been turned into dented oblong. Only the membrane held it together. Without much effort, Sala erupted out of her broken home seeing numerous doors and people who she could undeniably state that were like her. One thought pierced her mind: Trash. These other things were like her. Small, odd body shapes, random skin tone. But, they weren't her - therefore worse. Of course, she didn't state her thoughts outright. The tall, flabby, golden one seemed to be a big baby, even by Ig standards. Even if Sala erupted after his little speech, she still knew that he was a wuss. Mentally, she made a note of this. The short one, who was loud enough for Sala to hear inside of her broken egg, seemed to be much more useful. He seemed as though he would do things purely out of spite. Useful. The brown one; useless baby. Looked like a wuss who would flop over and die by himself. The absolutely ripped red one seemed to be the most useful out of all of them. He was loud enough that Sala could hear his issue of challenge through the shell. Sala would perhaps challenge him later to do useful things for her, like eating rocks and seeing what happens. These thoughts were all kept to secret. Such thoughts didn't deserve to be shared with trash. Only her and higher beings would know what she thought. When Sala looked around the room, she saw the doors. Each one was about Ig-sized. They were meant to enter the doors, Sala managed to deduce. Sala, with her extremely high intelligence and reasoning, began to choose which one she wanted to go through to leave the trash. The purple door looked as if it tasted bad. Things that were purple would no doubt taste bad. The two white doors were bright enough to hurt Sala's eyes (whatever those were), so they were out. The two red doors and the gold door reminded her of the other Igs - out out out. The colourful door was much too loud. Only a madman would enter that one. By deduction, the best door to go through would be the blue door. It looked like it tasted good in there, after all. Ignoring the other Igs and what they had to say, Sala took her first steps into this brave new world. She walked directly into the blue door. Mostly because she didn't want to be with the other Igs.