Leila then saw Sven talking to the Illithid beside him. From what she could tell, the Illithid seemed to be one of his subordinates. Illithids were a naturally Lawful Evil creature so she wasn't surprised at all, though this probably meant Sven had some kind of mental protection from the illithid's mind shenanigans. That, or the Illithid was so loyal to him that he wouldn't be afraid at all of him turning against him. She doubted the latter though, as the Sven who stood before her right now seemed to be somebody that wouldn't trust anyone. Far cry from the Sven she once knew. And then she heard Sven's response. Once again, he talked about how terrible the world was, and how he wished to remake it back to a better time when it wasn't so. She didn't buy it for a second though, as all his actions up to this day had no correlation to that goal. He just made the world even worse then it was before. Could it be that Ailonna was right? That he really had lost his mind? Suddenly, Feon charged forward, her fist glowing with holy light. Leila yelled at her to stop but it was too late, as it triggered Sven to retaliate with his own attack. He first drained the life force out of the hostages behind him that he showed before, turning it into a gem of some sort. He then raised his sword to the air, the magic of his sword extended to a massive several hundred feet tall length. At first, Leila instinctively summoned her shield, but then she realized how it wouldn't do anything to block such a powerful attack. So she dispelled it, aiming all her magic to her feet to increase her speed, with a little on her arms so she could drag Vreskrr and Alionna away from the blade. Feon was too far from her so she was on her own. Alionna had conjured a shield but Leila knew it wouldn't do anything either. And so she dashed, taking the two woman with her, away from the massive blade. She made sure to run clockwise as if she just ran in a straight line away from the blade, she would still get it by hit. When the blade reached the ground, the tremor was massive. Leila lost her balance and fell over to the ground. The blade had just cut through the entire town in one swipe. "S-strong... too strong..." Leila panted as she rose up, her armor now dirtied with dust and dirt. [@Cuccoruler][@Ryougu][@Lightning]