[hider=Dixon Cyder (out but free to use)] Name: Dixon Cyder Gender: M Age: 28 Appearance: Dixon stands at 6'0 ft, with dark hair and eyes to match. He has the mark of "Dark Magic" of his shoulder, and a long scar over his right eye. On his other arm is a tattoo of skeleton king. Bard: [img]https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/lTl_U6LOHwPnnq0aA.CdZA--/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD01MzM7dz00MDA-/http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/060/3/8/llustration_for_legend_of_the_cryptids_by_gpzang-d78fpmi.jpg.cf.jpg[/img] Assassin Gear: [img]https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/NDL79QUjDyW_5O1MwMT_RQ--/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD04MjA7dz00MDA-/https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fe/db/1c/fedb1cba3f467042aa7c89f0b5585b72.jpg.cf.jpg[/img] Bio: Dixon comes from the Cyder noble family. Because of this, he is rather wealthy, which came in handy when he met Silas. Silas told him about his idea for a mercenary crew, and Dixon thought it would be a good way to make more money. At the age of fifteen, Dixon joined the "Bard's College", and learned he excelled at storytelling and negotiations. Unknown to most though, outside of either guild, Dixon has a second job. Since the age of fifteen, he has been a member of the "Dagger Family", a guild of assassin's that are hidden around the world of Alestoth. By the age of twenty, Dixon was one of their most decorated members, moving up to the rank of "Head Hunter", or the hunter of family members that brake the code. Thanks to his family's wealth, and the favors he has gathered from his work with his other Family, Dixon has been able to cover the cost of starting the guild up, making him second in command, and the face of the guild. Fighting Style: * Bastard's Blade- Dixon fighting style is based around his swords ability to be used as a one hand or two handed weapon, and to be flashy to distract his opponents. The distraction helps, as they focus on the large blade coming towards them, they never notice the dagger until it's buried in their neck. Equipment: * Assassin Armor- When doing missions for the "Family", Dixon wears light weight armor, with a mask to conceal his identity. The armor has a sleeve his dagger easily fits in, hiding it from view. * Bastard Sword- Dixon has a long sword, which he can use as a one hand or two handed weapon. The signature weapon of the Cyder family. * Assassin Dagger- A dagger made out of rock in a volcano, its blade is black as night, and with a slight red tent in its color. Whenever a new member joins the "Family", their dagger is made with the special volcanic stone, and a mix of their own blood and some blood from their first kill. * Crossbow- A simple crossbow, nothing special about it. He carries 15 bolts for it, but he will be the first to admit that he isn't the best shot with it. * Weeks worth of rations * Debt Book- A book with the names of people that owes him. It holds their names, a brief description, their lady location, and why they owe him. It has a lock, and seems to only open for a "spell phrase" that only Dixon knows. Another useful tool of the "Family". Skills/Abilities: * Darkness Wizard- Dixon is skilled in the use of "Blood Magic", and is trying to learn more abilities in the "Darkness School" of magic. * Charm- While in conversation, Dixon can charm people, making them feel as if they had been friends for years, which works perfectly with Silas "Look", making them a good team. * A guy for that- For some reason, Dixon seems to have a guy for nearly anything. No one is sure who this man is, as Silas had only seen him once, and the man wore a robe with a mask. Other: Is Bisexual 1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it. 2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep it in good taste and in site rules 3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC 4. Be civilized and polite please 5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed. 6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an idea for a mission feel free to pm me the details and I'll try to work it in. 7. Copy the rules into a Hider in the "other" of your cs so I know you read them. 8. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts. 9. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC. [/hider]