Alionna's eyes shifted from Sven to the demon that held her spear out to stop her from going forward. The priestess didn't like Vreskrr's tone and she most certainly didn't like the demon but she did honor their alliance and remained still. She then noticed an arrow streak out from her peripheral and hit the sorcerer, Tysetaz, in the side and watched as Valerica took to the direction of the arrow. Ali had known the pair, they had fought, bleed, cried, and laugh together as they worked to take down the demon lord. Now here they were, enemies to the entire world. Sven had went on again about the world being unfair and broken and about his plan to make it a better world by resetting it. She was about to tell him how ludicrous he sounded, however, the tyrant began to drain the life force of the captives behind him. Alionna stepped forward and her had reached out in an attempt to counter attack the magic yet it was not enough. She watched in horror as the magic empowered Sven's blade to comical proportion, as the blade came down on the three, Alionna shot her hands out in front of her and created a barrier of divine energy. She knew it wasn't going to hold, however, with her curse she knew she could not move out of the way. The blade came down like a guillotine threatening to bisect her where she stood. The elven female felt the arms of the plated knight wrap around her and pull her to safety, she watched as her barrier shattered like fragile glass upon the weight of the sword that cut the town nearly in two. Alionna pulled herself to her feet and place a hand gentle on Leila's plated shoulder, "Thank you." She manage to say. She had been a fool to have tried to reason with the betrayer, it was clear now that if they were to fight him now they would surely lose. They had to retreat and come up with a plan, the group were scattered they had to regroup, they had to think, they had to stop this monster before his plans were fulfilled.