*jumps in here* I CALL DIB ON CHARA!! [center][hider=chara]Name: Chara Dreamurr Gender: Male They/them pronouns Powers, if any: When They are activated during major boss battles after the human lets them have control and the human is evil Chara has the abilities of enhanced speed(*cough cough* hence the fact that they can dodge Gaster blasters which are are technically laser beams with a high enough intensity that they can do damage *cough Cough*) and durability (hence the fact they can take so many of sans's attacks without backing down even though the Human's DT levels could be dropping.) Appearance: [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/c6c0/f/2016/169/7/5/chara_dreemurr_by_cneko_chan-da6rmt2.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/2e/ed/71/2eed7134bf2978e66282e91a24925c17.jpg[/img] Good or Evil: Depends on what the human does. If the human is evil then they are and if the human is good then they are neutral, still would make threats, though. Other: Is connected to Frisk since frisk technically has to give up half of her soul so Chara can exist in the physical. [/hider][/center] I am mega Undertale Trash! I will argue over undertale and win!