[center][hider=Chara] Name: Chara Dreamurr Gender: Male They/them pronouns Powers, if any: When They are activated during major boss battles after the human lets them have control and the human is evil Chara has the abilities of enhanced speed(*cough cough* hence the fact that they can dodge Gaster blasters which are are technically laser beams with a high enough intensity that they can do damage *cough Cough*) and durability (hence the fact they can take so many of sans's attacks without backing down even though the Human's DT levels could be dropping.) Once Chara have total and complete control of the Human they can have control over the DT Levels which is normally really high and at the max Chara is able to summons knives and her eyes begin glowing bright red like how Sans and Papyrus can summon bones and Sans's eye on genocide run in judgement hall. [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/c6c0/f/2016/169/7/5/chara_dreemurr_by_cneko_chan-da6rmt2.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/2e/ed/71/2eed7134bf2978e66282e91a24925c17.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/83c2/f/2016/231/8/d/badass_chara__collab_with_the_talented_kiacii__by_cneko_chan-daeh7xt.jpg[/img] Good or Evil: Depends on what the human does. If the human is evil then they are and if the human is good then they are neutral, still would make threats, though. Other: Is connected to Frisk since frisk technically has to give up half of her soul so Chara can exist in the physical. Red knives do double damage in battle. [/hider][/center]