[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/indrau/indrau_p.png[/img] — Roadside —[/center] Indrau followed the paladin over to the wounded bandit. An outburst like that was out of character and he was expecting trouble. At least she hadn't gone after the Cal girl. The time after he had joined the knights had been dark and uncertain. Thought shorter than the paladin, he interposed himself between Tyeathe and the bandit. Maybe it was his morals or perhaps his gallantry. Either way he felt the need to put himself between them. Indrau hooked her elbow with the crook of his cane and grabbed the red scarf around her neck, glaring with his one good eye. "No. Not like this. You're angry and not thinking right. These people were careful enough to slaughter everyone at the fort, there's no way they would be so lax as to reveal their identity to these people. We need to find out [i]where[/i] they were meeting." He pointed with his cane back at Veileena. "And take her with us."