Well, he's definitely stereotypical, and by design, too. I thought it was most obvious with the name; one which sounds ridiculously action-heroish in English subs/dubs but which Japanese people watching the original series (if this was a series) would have no problem with. Because lol gratuitous Engrish. Troy Bandit would be up there with the Rex Colts, Snake Pliskins, and Ash Williamses of the world, at least in terms of naming conventions. The glasses were only because he has them in all the screenshots from the anime he's from, so I didn't really have a choice in eyewear or the lack thereof. As for the rest of it, yeah, the machismo is what makes 80s/90s anime great. Ain't no fucking skinny, shrimpy, otaku-self-insert-wish-fulfillment [url=http://pm1.narvii.com/6193/274fcf71334bdc2150081bcb2ad4b74f4a57201a_hq.jpg]"black swordsmen"[/url] here!