[center][h1][color=Goldenrod]Priest Azerus[/color][/h1][hr][color=gray]Location:[/color] [i]Alleyway, Shezze.[/i][/center][center][color=gray]Interacting with:[/color] [i]all[/i][hr][h2]***[/h2][/center] Guthrie's and Vamon's words seemed to fall on deaf ears as they failed to slow or hinder the priests movements. With his eyes never touching the men he replies coarsely, to Guthrie first. [b]"That's hardly a deal nor how one is made. But let me offer you this, should you never hinder my path of righteousness and always uphold yourself accordingly to the teachings and law of the light, then I will never bring harm to you. Your present words excluded for the foolish mistakes they were."[/b] His voice was unwavering and stern but not threatening. He spoke mater-of-factly with a cold stoic detachment. The only thing more unnerving was his righteous conviction. Then he addressed Vamon by way of biblical quotes, [b]"The evil before my eyes is as the evil I cannot see. For all that is not light is darkness and as a humble follower of the light I must first vanquish the darkness that surrounds me before I can reach out. Light does not discriminate in its work nor shall I, for those that turn their back to the wrong-doings before them are weighted with equal burden and guilt upon their soul as those who perpetrated the atrocities.[/b]" Then in three powerful and sudden moves he would vanish. First abruptly leaping at the wall to his right. He sinks against it with his legs acting like springs, then a powerful quick jump sees him dart to the other side. A fast fierce kick catapults him back up and onto of the rooftop of the first wall, only to slip away into the darkness with haste. ...His feet softly and silently paced beneath him as he took short hurried steps to match the beat of one much shorter than him. Moving swiftly he utilised all his acrobatic skill as he raced across roofs and rolled back down onto the ground. a moment later... Before spencer could reach the square her head suddenly and fiercely jerked back against the momentum of her running body. A strong hand had caught her hair in a firm powerful grip and stopped her dead in her tracks. Just as quickly another hand swooped up and caught the underside of her jaw with a short sharp blow and held her mouth shut as it pressed up squashing her head against his chest. The priest spoke in a whisper. [b]"I see through your charade you spawn of darkness. As the wicked twins stated, your only home is beyond the reach of light and in the deepest depths of the forsaken darkness. You will go back and join them or die right here."[/b]