Geh. ... Amelie's reasoning may have turned that arrow magic. Maybe. Hah. Okay. Um. So different viewpoints caused both to be true. Any attempt to grab the cloak to free me will likely [i][EDIT][/i] [s]result in whoever tries that to be affected by the metal spreading at the site of whatever they try to grab the cloak with[/s] [sub]or maybe that was me thinking extremely incorrectly[/sub][i][/EDIT][/i]. UNLESS... I think I'm going to try something and see what Terminal responds with. I have a few lives to spare. Of course, if anyone has a brilliant fool-proof idea to save me, I'm not going to object to that either, but otherwise, I plan on doing one hell of a wager that'll definitely kill me. Haha. ... And in the future, let's not resurrect our enemies if we can help it, if someone else has typed that they're neutralized. Hahaha... Edit: I am somewhat curious as to how I'm lying. Did I fall forwards and it landed on top of me behind me? I was running backwards (not towards the thugs), so logically the bullet would have hit the cloak on my side, and then... I'd have fallen backwards with a tilt, perhaps with just enough force to roll over onto my front, and then it spread to... hm. ... Actually, I need to cut my cloak. I don't have that kind of weapons. Hahaha. Though, it'd technically still be on me if I'm on my side, it's kind of going around me. Hm. Edit 2: ... Okay. I need to consider how I do that wager... extremely carefully. ... Heh.