[quote=@The1Rolling1Boy] [center][hider=Finished]Full name: Chinoki Sokaria Codename: Louisiana Gender: Female Age: 21 Implanted A.I.: Zeta Armour Ability: Vision Enhancement Appearance: With Armour: [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ18P-eQ45rqOjyREdCAeFUU0v_Mc5EM61dNGVZnwZeTyB_mzFB[/img] Without Armour (This is rare): [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6316/9cc5602be6847711be485dba79533c8eda331b9a_hq.jpg[/img] Personality: Without Zeta, Chinoki is a fearless careless type of person who would throw insults left and right at everyone and anyone, but with Zeta, they are cautious at what they are doing before doing something stupid that could get them killed or someone else killed History: Chinoki never knew much of anything beyond a laboratory or a military base. So one day in her late teenage years she snuck off the base and into the 'real world' Has she was running around amazed at what she was seeing she came across this ship that landed in this clearing and someone left the door open so she snuck in. She looked around the ship curiously, it seemed alien to her but everything she has seen while out was alien to her, but has she was looking around she found someone's 'body' but it was just a suit and it looked like it fitted her perfectly. Being the Teenager she was she ended up sneaking in the suit which had an energy sword attached to it, later she learned through her parents and other people in the base how to reprogram things. She used this knowledge to reprogram the suit so that it had all of her information in it and not the original owner's information. One night when she decided to put on the suit and try using it for the first time but she ended up getting caught by someone but since her parents died the month before in an accident in the laboratory she couldn't get turned into them instead got turned into the person in charge of the base who later on becomes her trainer and teaches her how to use the suit and the weapons on it this is also where she meets Zeta who was already installed when she 'took' the suit. Weapon Loadout: -Landmines -HORNET Mine -Smoke Grenade -Energy Sword -*2 M40 Pistol (Carries this 24/7) Fighting Style: They would mainly use melee weapons but when not able to due to distance and sheer size comparison They would use multiple types of explosives sometimes just randoms ones they find along the way or most likely their pistol but this is a last minute resort type of weapon. Theme song: [youtube] https://youtu.be/68wk6m05ojw [/youtube] [/hider][/center] [/quote] Some of the bits in the history are quite long-winded as a sentence, which is the only real issue there is. If I were GM I'd not change too much (This isn't meant to be all aggressive, just a pointer).