[quote=@SgtEasy] [@Silver Fox][@Rithy] I've already set the tones for "Ja'Far & Phalanx: BFFs 4 Eva" in my recent post XD. Ja'Far: [color=olive][b]"IF THOU ART PRACTICING SARCASM PHALANX, AND THOU ART TEACHING PHALANX SARCASM VELLA, I SHALT BE HAVING WORD WITH THOU LATER!!"[/b][/color] *gasps heavily as he continues to jog, carrying Phalanx like a father would for his child on his shoulders* [/quote] This is true xD Phalanx: [color=plum]"Sarcasm? Processing... Oh, for example 'I am a synthetic platform. Average Geth Platform is of uncomfortable carrying weight. Of course.' *doesnt sound sarcastic at all and just stated facts but still attempted* Geth Hopper Platforms are the lightest. Ser Ja'far, this platform is capable of performing the feature of running. Should we not also retrieve Lady Vella?"[/color] [quote=@Rithy] [@SgtEasy][@Silver Fox] The whole scene gets even more amusing when you consider how much bigger Phalanx is than Jaffar even xD He's totally gonna dislocate a disc... [/quote] Yup. But it's cute he's trying xD and shows how strong he is too ^^ [quote=@SgtEasy] [@Silver Fox][@Rithy] That doesn't stop Ja'Far from looking out for his subordinates though. But maybe he shouldn't be so protective of a tall hunk made up of metal and weapons XD [/quote] And childish curiousity of the galaxy full of interesting organics