While waiting for her drink, Light took a look over the bar. There were people all around the bar, doing various bar activities like sitting at tables or playing pool. Mostly in pairs, one pair being escorted to a back room by a man in a suit. Just when she was getting bored, her drink arriving, there was a commotion and a blur of movement as that pair from earlier burst out of the backroom they had entered, chased by... dog demons? Worse still, the bartender spelt her drink when he turned into a boar demon! Of course the normal people decided to scream and run out of the building at such a sight. Before Light could moarn the loss of her drink and get revenge on the bartender for his... aggressive stance and pure lack of consideration for his patrons, he was hit in the face by a fireball! Light turned her head to glance at where the fireball came from, and saw a lady with a costume and sword charging at the bartender. [color=00aeef]"Man, its just not his day, huh?"[/color] Light said to herself as she backed away. She really wasn't much in a mood for fighting unless these demons gave her a reason to do so. putting her hand inside her trenchcoat and rummaging under her dress, she pulled out a bucket of popcorn. Finding a seat, she decided to watch the fight unfold. At least she didn't need to keep herself too well hidden with most of the other bar patrons having left the area.