[@manapool1] If I had to say, Ink could probably be voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch. [hider=This guy] He's in basically everything. [youtube]https://youtu.be/gc86xmLLPms?t=13s[/youtube] [/hider] Elena's voice would sound something like this person: [hider=Like this, except with all the speed of Setsuna] [youtube]https://youtu.be/7gq42bkuJgE?t=15s[/youtube] [/hider] As for Trim, my WIP character, it'd be something like Antony Del Rio, the voice actor for Pit/Dark Pit from Kid Icarus, Ekko from League of Legends and more relevantly, Cyrus from Fates. He'd definitely trend toward Dark Pit and Cyrus though. I wouldn't exactly describe Trim's intended voice as emotive. [hider=e.g.] [youtube]https://youtu.be/fEpBD5rJXWM[/youtube] [/hider]