Okay, so these are the things that it appears most of us have agreed on and are happy with: -Having a diverse set of characters. -Having dangerous zombies that actually pose a threat, similar to RAGE zombies. -People versus people, to add an extra degree of danger and so we can explore what people will do to survive. -Death happening, but not so often that people wont have time to develop characters and tell a story. -Having guns, but ammo being rare, and zombies being attracted to sound so people think about using them. -Setting it six months to a year into the apocalypse so we still had a skill gap between characters. I'm hoping to start on the OOC today and have it up by some point tomorrow. If there is anything I've forgotten or anything else we haven't discussed yet it would be best if you could tell me before then. One more thing. Do you think when I open the OOC it should be open to more applications, or should we only have people from this IC at first?