[i]'So sweet, so innocent. . .So tempting. . . .But in the end, still unobtainable'[/i] His body shivers as he looks down at the adorable little angel, watching him respond in delight to his agreement to go flying together. He stays as still as he can as his desires pulsate under his skin, trying to force him to move in a direction he knows will not be good for either of them. His eyes travel over the smaller male's contours as he looks away, trying to appreciate him in new and different ways, giving himself at least a mild distraction. [i]'Even if I can't touch him with my hands, at least he's no objection to the ogling thus far'[/i] He smiles a little at the idea of going all googly eyed over an angel, given his lineage, the smile going from amusement to delight at Aoba returns his attention to him. A curious expression crosses his face e moment later as Aoba begins to flush, trying to articulate something in his usual innocent manner. His eyes actually flash however when Aoba mentions the comfort level on the couch and he can't help himself from creeping ever so slightly closer to the angel as desire dances just under his skin. [i]'He an't be offering. . .I mean, is he completely blind? I'm ready to jump him right now, and he wants to. . .'[/i] Firmly controlling his breathing he watches the youth sinking deeper and deeper into the water with every word he speaks and he uses the slight distancing to anchor himself. His hand drifts out to brush gently over those ever more dusky wings when they are mentioned and he whispers, “I have no objections to sharing a bed my Little Mouse. . .” His fingertips brush across the soft feathers of Aoba's wings again and again, using the small contact to satisfy his desire to touch the angel at least a little bit. “And I'm sure we can make it so we're both comfy. . .” Reaching down he once more pulls Aoba's chin up so he can look into the man's eyes, the desire behind his own being held back, but only barely. “Thank you, Aoba.” ~*~*~*~*~ “Well, that's better than I expected. . .” Fenrir muses, actually admiring Kuro for not making some kind of crude joke or at least molesting the angel more than he did. Reaching out he tugs gently at his own wing before shaking his head and covering his eyes. [i]'I can't believe I'm still partially rooting for this demon. . . .'[/i] He knows he's not exactly supporting the idea of Kuro bedding Aoba, but a part of him can't help but feel glad at how obsesses Kuro seems to be as it keeps Aoba safe. ~*~*~*~*~ Planting another feather light kiss on the angel, Kuro pulls himself back a little bit, grabbing the soap so he clan clean his own hair. He uses the slight distance to calm himself ever so slightly, allowing him to think about something other than pulling Aoba into his lap and making him cry to the heavens how much more fun he's having in exile than he did when living up there. The thought actually makes him chuckle slightly, his face partially hidden behind soapy hair as he scrubs. [i]'I can't wait to see the look on Dani's face when he realizes that I get to sleep with my dear Little Mouse here. . .'[/i] He begins humming happily, a definite delight coloring his demeanor as he dips down to wash the suds out of his hair.