Fuck it, I'll throw my hat into the ring. Got a few different concepts. 1.) An illegitimate son of Loki. Calls himself the Asgardian. Primarily uses illusion magic and cunning to trick his opponents, rather than trying to go mano-a-mano with them. Has taken up superheroics to try and make his human mother proud of him, and to get his mythical father to notice him. He's an older character I originally used in one of DrewVonAwesome's Rps, that unfortunately didn't go anywhere. 2.) A new Iron-Man, though this one is a full android, a design by an embittered Tony Stark to ensure that there is always an Iron-Man, and one with his own stamp on it (he hasn't taken being replaced by RiRi as well as could be hoped) This character isn't interested in being a superhero, much preferring to drink and party - who does that sound like? - but his programming doesn't allow him to ignore crises or crimes, and forces him to risk his own life to protect others. 3.) A female Union Jack. No big concept here, just like Union Jack.