[color=darkorange][h2][center]✰ Jason Ackerman ✰[/center][/h2][/color] [color=darkorange][h3][center]Location: Central City[/center][/h3][/color] [@ToadRopes] Sitting down next to Charlotte, Jason leaned over, petting Tibert and Iliana. The Espurr quickly decided he'd had enough, but the Vulpix rolled onto her back, letting her trainer tickle her tummy. Looking back up, Jason listened to Charlotte's Ultra Beast theories. [color=darkorange]"It's ok, talk about Pokemon all you want,"[/color] he said with a slight chuckle. [color=darkorange]"And about legendary Pokemon, their differences and abilities... That's what we're investigating. There are many stories about them that sometimes contradict each other. For example, one story says Entei is a Pokemon who died in a burning tower and was resurrected by Ho-oh, and another says it was born from a volcano. There are even theories that several exist across the world. As for Giratina, its form is said to change between dimensions."[/color] Pausing before continuing, he thought over a different rumour. [color=darkorange]"And it's funny you say that about the Ultra Beasts. I mean, I take it you've heard of Necrozma? Some people believe it to be similar to the Ultra Beasts, or even to be one. So they could be legendaries of sorts."[/color] He leaned back. [color=darkorange]"Yeah, Pokemon are pretty fascinating,"[/color] he said. [color=darkorange]"I wonder what we'll find in Stillwater?"[/color] [hider=Jason] [b]TP:[/b] +1 +1 (18) [b]Pokemon:[/b] [list][*]Vulpix (Iliana), female, lv11 [*]Snorunt (Eira), female, lv10 [*]Doublade (Agne), male, lv10 [*]Golett (Amyntas), lv11 [*]Espurr (Tibert), male, lv10 [*]Fraxure (Fraener), male, lv11[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x1[/list][/hider] [hr] [hider=CP]+1 (34)[/hider]