[h2][u]Khan Sainen Vs Anaka[/u][/h2] Khan was hardly shocked when his first strike to the head was blocked, in fact he was expecting it to happen. It wouldn't be much of a fight if his opponent had died because of his opening blow after all. He managed to get some satisfaction out of the surprise evident in his opponent's stance and on her face, though, even if it was quickly covered back up by the same arrogant cruelty. It might be that she hadn't been expecting such a swift and competent opening strike, or else maybe she thought he'd be afraid. When she shoved his blade aside, Khan moved his blade along with the motion, aiming to bring it back around to a guard position with a tight little circle of his wrist. As she thrust in at him, he slipped into a Makashi stance of his own, facing her in profile and twisting his body a bit right as his blade finished coming back around to deflect her point out of the way, though both motions were slight enough that he could swear he felt ambient heat off of her saber. He grinned at her, trying to look confident but not cocky, despite finding such displays of emotion unseemly most of the time. It was good psychological warfare, after all. "They may have been older than me, but I doubt they were better." Khan tried for a downward cut toward her fingers, moving almost along the line of the Sith's own lightsaber, but she stepped back out of the way just in time. He took a half step in and twisted his wrist up to try for an upward cut to her face, hopefully before wrapping around for a third light cut toward the top of her head. It was actually disconcerting for Khan to be fighting an opponent so similar to himself in height, and she might actually match him for speed which nullified one of his usual advantages. He was hoping a flowing sequence of attacks would at least keep her off balance and moving back, though he knew it wouldn't matter if he couldn't land a hit.