[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] A couple weeks passed between the two of them as they worked together on making Charlotte's cave a livable location. Although the black haired woman seemed to grow strangely distant, they did spend some times pointing at various objects and teaching each other the words for them. The fruits of various types were named to Charlotte, the pair managed to learn the other's word for the cave they were building, along with various other things. However, the newcomer was also setting up these small strange devices around the corners of trees and near spots on the ground where various small animals travelled at times. For a long time, the orange haired woman was confused as to the purpose of them. Was it some sort of odd religious symbolism? Some sort of ceremony for calling upon nature spirits and having them defend you? Caitriona was still unaware of their nature as she approached the black haired woman curiously as she was huddled over one of them, removing her first successful kill and meat meal since arriving at this island ...