[center][color=fff79a]Catarina La’Spada[/color][/center] By the time everyone reached the village Catarina was feeling a lot better. While her wound was numb, the rest of her body felt healthy. A clean bandage and a good night’s rest and she should be all better. Inside the village everything seemed normal at least for Catarina. She was already familiar with their militia and their tactics. Hell, she trained them. Though back then they only had shields and spears. Either things have been getting better and the militia can afford better equipment, or worse and they need these new arms and armor. At the inn Catarina was quick to buy herself a room and get out of her armor. While it was comfortable enough to wear while travelling, she wasn’t going to keep it on as she slept. Getting out of her armor by herself was a long and tedious process, but soon enough she striped down to her undergarments. Changing out from her sweaty, battle worn clothing, she changed into a fresh pair and into a simple cotton robe. It was locally made and had some embroidery, but Catarina brought it for it’s durability. Always a tight with her money, Catarina preferred to invest in quality goods than to get by with cheap ones. Eventually the warrior woman would arrive to the common area. The others may not even recognize her outside of her armor; while her onion-like full plate gave her the impression of being a heavy-set woman, Catarina had a more athletic build leaning towards a sharper figure. She couldn’t pass herself off as any pepite noblewoman or scholar, but Catarina wasn’t nearly as husky as her armor would have implied. Alexander and Elleonora was here too. Alexander was talking about his scars, but Catarina simply crossed her arms and smiled at him. Her arms, strong and chiseled, were covered in scars. As a youth she had mixed feelings about scars, thinking them as true marks of a warrior. She also thought that anyone who got cut was a fool who got themselves hurt. But as a seasoned warrior she knew that getting a few nicks or even grievous wounds would be inevitable in her line of work, and a scar shows that she survived the worse of it. If she didn’t, then she wouldn’t be around to show them off. What did interest Catarina more though was Elleonora smoking from her pipe. Her choice of herb was different from what Catarina was used too, and the cherry incense was odd too, but Catarina once shared a similar habit. Only she stopped due to the rising prices of cannabis. Something about orcish raids destroying farms or some such. A real shame. Mouth watering, Cataraina nearly asked Elleonora for a hit but instead got herself a meal instead. Some cheese and bread with a side of fruit and juices. Sitting with her party members Catarina just couldn’t resist asking. [color=fff79a]”Smells nice. Where’d you get it?”[/color] [hr] [color=brown][center]Parum [/center][/color] As everyone went inside the inn, Parum took care of the horses. She bartered with the innkeeper, trading some of the things they found from the gnolls to pay for the stables and her own room. They didn’t take everything like their armor, but Parum made sure to take the weapons at least. Plus whatever else was hidden in their pockets. Once she had the room and stable situation dealt with Parum went to her room, hauling her huge bag with her. It was almost comical seeing the little halfling trying to fit the massive back through the halls, but she managed somehow. Once inside she took off her robe and changed to reveal her [url=http://i.imgur.com/naGwZfh.jpg]casual outfit[/url]. Parum may not be as tall and exotic as a drow, but she knew how to use seduction for her ends too. But there was a time and place for Parum to show off her assets and that time was now. If she wanted to get “closer” to her would be partners, she’d need to act vulnerable and trusting with them. Getting out of her robes would be step one, and the next step would be sharing a meal and drink with them. Still, Parum wasn’t a complete fool. Even if she doesn’t expect trouble from her party, there was still the threat of those gnolls and drow chasing Vivian. Thus Parum kept a slender dagger hidden on her person. Despite her form-fitting outfit, there was still plenty of places for this little thief to hide a weapon. After getting ready Parum skipped down to the common area where everyone else seemed to be at. The first thing she noticed was the combined scent of pipeweed and cherry. Parum was quite familiar with both: Halflings practically have a monopoly on pipeweed, and cherries were very popular summer fruits. In fact, cherries grew quite well in regions like this. [color=brown]”Ah, smells like home. Nothing like a few puffs to end the night with, eh chums?”[/color] Parum took out her own pipe, lighting up the fine handling pipeweed within. She took a seat near the others and ordered everyone a round of whatever ale was on tap. [color=brown]”What a day, what a day. we got ourselves an adventure and then some.”[/color]