[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] As a week or two passed - Charlotte lost count somewhere, she had stopped paying attention to the passing of the days and instead, focused on work. Before she could do any heavy and in depth alchemy, she'd need a few things. A place sheltered from the elements, meaning she'd need to build a wall and a front door to her little cavern home here. Some storage space with some preserved items of sorts, some more glass alembics, retorts, flasks...etc, things like that. Eventually getting a Cauldron would be nice as well so she could make things on a larger scale and a few more specialty potions. In that time, she had managed to make a table, some rope and fairly strong adhesive, and even some paper and some ink to write with so she could keep a log of all the plants and various properties they might have as well as any notes or other thoughts she might have. A small cot had been made as well, towards the edge of the cave -big enough for one- she had just finished that last night, and was going to make a point of [i]not[/i] having to share with Cait any more. For now though, she had to test a small trap of hers. Eating just fruits and vegetables was starting to get rather...annoying. Not to mention, a good diet needed meat of some sort, even a small one. She didn't know what sort of creatures lived here aside from that giant bird, but it was a forest. A forest would have rabbits, would they not? And that stream would likely have fish. Both animals of which could easily provide sustenance, as well as some useful materials... She had managed to make a Lure, similar to one she'd use back in Astril to catch fresh rabbits - for their fur, mostly back then. Rabbit fur was surprisingly fairly reactive and accepting of changes and other such things. She'd keep the fur, as well as make a fire pit and cook the meat. The Lure itself looked to be a small, sweet smelling powder of some sort. She had found that rabbits - and wildlife in general tended to be attracted to it, but in small quantities like this it [i]shouldn't[/i] attract anything big. She placed the snare on the ground and waited. Thankfully, it wasn't long before a brown furred rabbit was caught in the trap and killed, the stone knife cleanly killing the animal. Charlotte stood, quite happy with her work as she picked up the dead rabbit and resetting the snare. She turned, and started walking back to the cave. She needed to skin it and prepare the meat and eventually build a way to preserve it. She looked over to Cait who had been watching, showing her the dead rabbit. She'd check the other traps later. She only put up a few of them, so if all went well she'd have caught a good number of rabbits...