Thought I'd post a WIP for Sombra on here while I fine-tune her. Still have things to add, and a shit-ton of formatting to do, but here's the bulk of her done so far. [hider=Sombra WIP][center][color=darkviolet][b][h1]Sombra [/h1][/b][/color] [img][/img] [color=darkviolet][h3][i]"Boop!"[/i][/h3][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [b][h2][color=darkviolet]General Information[/color][/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Sombra [b]Nick-Names:[/b] N/A [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Date Of Birth:[/b] 21/12 [b]Scent:[/b] [color=darkviolet]”Why are you sniffing me? Are you a dog?”[/color] [hr][hr] [b][h2][color=darkviolet]Relationship Information[/color][/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Partner:[/b] None [b]Father:[/b] Deceased [b]Mother:[/b] Deceased [b]Siblings:[/b] None [b]Pet/s:[/b] Has a pet ball python called Hermes; she likes to take him out of his vivarium when she’s working, to slide around her shoulders or explore the workbench. [b]Other:[/b] ⚜ [b]In-depth Relationships[/b] ⚜ [hider=Relationships] ⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ ☠ Enemies ~*~ ♦ Unsure [hr][hr] [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [/hider] [hr][hr] [b][h2][color=darkviolet]Personal Information[/color][/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Personality:[/b] Mischievous ♦ Closed ♦ Self-Serving ♦ Untrusting ♦ Machiavellian ♦ Cool-Headed ♦ Revolutionary Ever since her parents died, Sombra has looked out for only one person; herself. Nobody and nothing else matters to her for the most part; staying alive and staying comfortable is her main priority. While aiding her country in the past has also been high on her list – and by default, other countries that were left in a similar state as Mexico after the Omnic Crisis – this wouldn’t have been done if she wasn’t going to gain something from it. That’s what she tells everyone, anyway. If she were to feel a small spark of heroism in what she does, it’s kept rather quiet. She’d rather be seen as some calculating bitch than someone with a heart; if you know about someone’s heart, it’s easier to hurt them. As for profits, she seeks high and low for them, using all things possible to gain an advantage in various situations, including manipulation of her own comrades. Why kill someone rich and powerful when you can blackmail them? Yes, Sombra is always on the lookout for new friends, and whether she gains them through traditional or more nefarious means, she doesn’t particularly care as long as she comes off better. Living the life she did as a child means she strives for a better one now as an adult; if hacking gets her there, so be it. When joining Los Muertos, Sombra was more idealistic than she is now; more trusting, more naïve. As years have passed and her notoriety increased, she has lost these childish ideals, particularly with Talon. The world is a hard place, and people will screw you over in a second – so she makes sure she screws them over first. However, despite this, Sombra has retained her cheerfulness. It’s rare to see her without a cheeky smile on her face, even in battle. There are plenty of things to laugh and joke about, even when threatening someone’s family or snapping a guard’s neck; it’s also very rare to see her lose her cool or lash out in anger. (Like a certain skull-headed idiot she works with.) Although working with Talon, it should be noted that she doesn’t agree with the whole “rule-the-world” thing or whatever it is Reyes is on about. She finds revenge pointless and futile, especially in regards to the Blackwatch/Overwatch thing. As for terrorism? Eh, if it helps the small people but screws over the big ones, she’s fine with it. But Sombra is pretty easy-going, and doesn’t have a death-wish against Overwatch Operatives like the majority of Talon. She gets along just fine with some of them. [b]Likes:[/b] [list] [*] Purple – what did you expect? It’s her signature colour! [*] Grapes – ironically enough, not the purple ones. Green or nothing. [*] Mexican Food – While not one to be a stereotype, eating food of her home gives Sombra a sense of happiness, hominess, and warmth; and that’s not just from the spice, you know. [*] Listening to music – More specifically calypso, salsa, reggae, or R&B. Anything with an up-beat tune that gets her hips swaying and foot tapping. [*] Expensive Items – while not exactly vanity, Sombra likes to spend her money on indulgent, rich things she could only dream of as a kid. Great food, great clothes, great holidays, great make-up… ooh, and a massage machine. Or a massage chair? Nah, a massage bed! They exist, right?! [*] Cards Against Humanity – She loves black humour and controversial jokes, and this game is just perfect for her. [*] Cats - While deciding over a pet snake than kitten, felines still have a special place in heart. They're adorable, manipulative and bitchy, just like her! What's not to love? [/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list] [*] Children - they smell, they’re loud, and they’re constantly oozing some kind of bodily fluid, no matter their age. She’ll never have them, and finds them annoying to be around. [*] Heights – While not going as far to say she has a phobia, Sombra definitely dislikes being in high places. Again, it’s not so debilitating that she cannot move, but there’ll always be an uncharacteristic scowl on her face when up high. [*] Insects that fly - She doesn't mind the ones that stay on the ground. But wasps, moths, mosquitoes? Ugh, they were everywhere in Mexico. [*] The Cold - Sombra thrives off the heat and sunshine, so cold climates do not suit well with her. [*] Monkeys. Well, Chimps more specifically. They can rip a person apart in seconds and make screaming noises while they do it... While Overwatch's Winston is a Gorilla and not a Chimp, she stills likes to avoid him if Talon and Overwatch ever clash. [/list] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [list] [*] Playing card games on her computer when she’s supposed to be working. What? Solitaire is fun! [*] Watching Soap Operas in her spare time; Sombra finds Spanish and English ones equally as entertaining. [*] Tinkering; Being both a world-class Hacker and Head of Security gives Sombra plenty of time and reason to develop new tech, especially if it'll help her with her job. While making the usual security things, she'll occasionally make something silly. One time she made a Pinata machine which someone thought was a bomb. The idiots shot it as it ran towards them before realising it was just full on candy. [/list] [b]Strengths:[/b] ⚜ Hacking – This is an obvious one. One of the most infamous – and arguably best – hackers in the world, there hasn’t been a system or computer that she hasn’t got into yet. ⚜ Network – People can be hacked too; Sombra has built up quite the net of “friends” in her time, both powerful and weak, rich and poor, amicable and reluctant. If there’s something she can’t get from a computer, her [i]Amigos[/i] can get it for her. Besides, the nicer ones are great to have a drink with. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] ☠ Untrustworthy – While Sombra has a hard time trusting people properly, the feeling tends to be mutual; her conniving personality is well known, and she can often have a hard time getting people to believe she isn’t lying. ☠ Tech-Dependant – Without her guns and her tech, Sombra is just a lost little girl again. While this situation may not arise, a strong enough EMP could wipe out her electronics for a time. Add no weapons to that, and Sombra is helpless. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] [hr][hr] [b][h2][color=darkviolet]Organisation information[/color][/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Organisation Alias[/b] Sombra [b]Organisation Affiliation[/b] Talon [b]Base of Operation[/b] Los Angeles, America [b]Previous Base Of Operation: [/b] Dorado, Mexico [b] Battle Type/ Role:[/b] Offense [b] Occupation (Currently):[/b] Agent & Hacker. Also Head of Security, Technology, and Technological Warfare. [b] Occupation (Previously):[/b] Gang Member and Hacker for Los Muertos. [hr][hr] [color=darkviolet][b][h2]Abilities[/h2][/b][/color] [hr][hr] Passive: Opportunist Machine Pistol Hack Thermoptic Camo Translocator Ultimate Ability: EMP [hr][hr] [color=darkviolet][b][h2]Other Information[/h2][/b][/color] [hr][hr] [b]Other:[/b] [hr][hr] [color=darkviolet][b][h2]Theme Song[/h2][/b][/color] [hr][hr] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [/hider] [quote=@Argetlam350] [@MiddleEarthRoze] Split personality disorder mostly is her main diagnosis. The other quirks are things that have developed after the events that transpired. [/quote] Really? Odd choice; I would have considered DID to be the least likely mental illness for her to have, judging by her personality. There's no mention of other personalities in there at all, just erratic and strange behaviours. A bit of advice for playing someone with a mental disability; don't make it convenient. [i]"She however has managed to function quite well with her insanity using it to benefit."[/i] The whole point of a mental disability is that it disables someone; makes them act in ways that are not beneficial to the life they live. They certainly can't turn it into a benefit. Another bit of advice; don't call mental health issues "Quirks". It's quite insulting to people who actually suffer from these afflictions.