[center][h1][color=39b54a]Nyx[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2hkRwZO.png[/img] [h2]Support conversation 1 - The girl with Amnesia[/h2][/center] [hr] Nyx looked at the girl with confusion [color=39b54a]"Y-y-you dont remember what your name is? Thats unusual..."[/color] She sighs as she looks to the ground before hearing the girls response to the other question she asked [color=39b54a]"Most of the time people with power such as a king end up having no need for people like us. They usually only save or ask for things to benefit themselves"[/color] Nyx sat down on the ground and invited the girl to come sit with her. She would fiddle with her necklace for a moment before removing it. She looked into the green stone in the center of it [color=39b54a]"Do you know how to defend yourself? Do you have anything that man would want to do?"[/color] [hider=Mentions][@PaulHaynek][@Polaris North][/hider]