[quote=@The Fated Fallen] AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I was thinking "Shower scene? Oh gods, this really is turning into an anime!!!" [/quote] I SHALL BECOME THE WEREBEAR IF THIS HAPPENS AS IT WILL BE SLIGHTLY LESS AWKWARD FOR EVERYONE ELSE... BUT ONLY SLIGHTLY, AS NOW YOU HAVE A RANDOM BEAR SURROUNDING A BUNCH OF NAKED PEOPLE. Also, [quote=@The Fated Fallen] Oh no, if it's my trap than it's more than likely you've rolled at least three ones in a row. AT LEAST [/quote] I'd say it'd rather be a 1 against a hostile 20, with a 1 that was rolled to stick the landing. No lie, one time my friend rolled a 1 on a 20 in a test round of D&D, and he was proceeded to be mauled by several wolves while my sneaky underage gnome-wizard watched from above, facepalming.