Kenza followed Derrick down the corridor, her senses alert and her breathing low. Even if the Wolfwing possessed keen senses, the radius of its awareness had limits, and Kenza wanted to stay on the safer side and not test those. [i]Wonder if it can talk?[/i] she thought, figuring she'd pose the question to the group later. When the room opened up, Kenza's eyes were immediately drawn towards the door and the light behind it. Her eyes then flowed down, following the structure's length to the great pawprints below. [i]Wolfwing,[/i] she thought, a wave of anticipation flowing through her. After all the hunts she'd been on, Kenza had definitely been on a few where she found the tables turned on her -- the hunter hunted, stalked like prey. Still, none had been so treacherous, so full of risk and with such an intelligent creature on the other end. [i]Keeping us prisoner -- is it of human intellect, or even greater?[/i] she thought, resisting a shiver. Lifting her eyes from the pawprints, Kenza took in the rest of the room, her eyes ghosting over the design on the rug and towards the strange object behind which blue light washed out. [i]A curtain?[/i] she wondered, simultaneously feeling her curiosity pique and her senses tingle in warning. [i]Why is the light blue?[/i] she wondered, searching her experiences for blue light. Tinted glass was an option, which suggested a window, and also refracted light that shone off something of similar color. Either of those options suggested something akin to a glowing object or an opening, and neither seemed as dangerous as opening the door. Looking to the other two in her group, Kenza nodded to the window, figuring that both of the hunters she was with would understand her views. Still, she wanted to check with them -- curiosity was a dangerous allure when trying to survive, and Kenza figured she may as well get input since she could. [hr][@lord of evil][@lchris314][@hekazu]