[quote=@mdk] Incidentally [@Terminal], since Luca is (canon) knowledgeable about what's going on, is there anything in particular you'd like to be going on? My intention is to improvise some science for the current predicament and run with it full-force, so if there's any conclusion he SHOULD be reaching -- i.e. there's some very specific thing happening that should be clear to this character (and that I wouldn't figure out with a quick refresher on Faraday cages), it might...... .....well what I'm asking here is this: is there any information readily available to Luca that will facilitate an accurate assessment by mdk? [/quote] As far as I am aware, unless Luca has particular expertise here - no. Luca was just the only passenger at the time looking at the back of the Limousine who could be relied to know what electroplating was due to his specific background. Ariett should also know about it and be able to recognize or at least analogize it on sight, but at the time of the post she was not looking towards the back of the limousine. The hypothetical questions I posed in my post were intended to indicate an uncertain origin of the occurring effect, so there is no conclusion I expect your characters to come to in order to avoid an imminent death. It is not insomuch that they cannot understand it, than it is simply a touch outside of their immediate realms of specialization. I specifically mentioned molecular golems since Luca has probably either seen or at least knows about similar effects that could be produced using them, but whether or not they are being employed here is uncertain and would need to be investigated. I do encourage inventive problem solving however. Proceed at will.