Rinori watched the city of Krvatch burn. She couldn't say she felt any strong emotions about it. On one hand, it was horrible and frightening to see what sort of power these daedra had, that they could lay siege and destroy a city in less then a day. But Rinori has never been to Krvatch, knew no one there, and was far from the fighting itself. She simply kept watch, waiting for the right moment to strike. Granted, that time could have been whena bunch of heroes went into the city and saved it from the daedra.... But they were doing such a good job Rinori didn't think they needed her help. BY the time they got to the oblivion gate itself, Rinori knew they didn't need her help. That being said, she also wasn't sure what might happen once they're inside. Even if they close the oblivion gate, there was still more daedra in the city itself. What they were even doing here in the first place, Rinori didn't know. But if they tried to leave the city for whatever reason, she'll be here to shoot them down. She just hoped that these heroes could close the gate before it's too late. The last thing Rinori wanted on her conscious was seeing this city and it's people die because she chose not to act.